Create company hiearachy to set top level reporting person. System will automatically identify reporting person and provide necessary notifications.
Through the automated process, users can save lots of time from single click data upload, report generation, automatic invoice generation and many other things.
It calculates data and generates necessary statistics itself. With the assistance of it, the employees don't have to do the manual work of calculation of large excel sheets.
The company can easily upload the stores' data through a three-step excel sheet format as defined in Procure Box. It becomes very easy and hassle-free to update the data on excel sheets at any time of the day.
Company can view all the transaction done through this sytem. It can also see the relation between stores and suppliers based on indents, support tickets etc.
Through master reports, user can see timebased history of transaction and related data to get summary. System will show charts to understand data easily.
Stores Connected
Suppliers Connected
Indent Ordered
Invoice Generated